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We Media 2006 adopts Lots of Big Ideas

I like the principles behind the We Media forum to encourage a more collaborative and democratic media, and I applaud Reuters for getting involved with the excellent organisation(?), movement(?), collection of contributors and ideas that is Global Voices.

OK, here's an opportunity for a couple of media giants to jump on an enormous re-branding and PR bandwagon but, equally, it's an opportunity for them to actually put something back, contribute something, make a real difference to the range of voices that get heard and listened to in this increasingly noisy world. So let's encourage them - and watch them - every step of the way.

Mind you, I do think it was a bit cheeky of them to pinch the term 'Big Ideas' for their conference programme:

"Big Idea 1: Media and the Connected Society

Big Idea 4: The Democratisation of Media

Big Idea 5: A Global Call to Action"

But then I guess it just means that they've been reading Lots of Big Ideas, so that can only be good...
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